Wednesday, October 23, 2013

These days at The Stream we've been going through Ecclesiastes.  This book is quite possibly one of the most contemplative, philosophical, and practical writings we have in ancient literature, and being a Christian I believe the ultimate author of it is God, who has given it to us for the book's application to our lives.

What we find in this book is a search for life's meaning, purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction apart from God.  The writer tries this, than this, than this, than that, all from a secular perspective without God in the picture or in the equation.  Each endeavor the writer searches, each road he goes down, leads time and time again to a conclusion that meaning and purpose and satisfaction is elusive apart from God - calling it all vanity, or meaningless, and a striving/chasing after the wind.  So he keeps trying and considering and searching.

So far at The Stream we've followed the writer on his search, considering where our satisfaction might be found:

1. Work and weariness (Is it our work that satisfies?)
2. Is it wisdom?
3. Is it pleasure?
4. Is it morality?
5. Is it our possessions?

You can join by listening in or watching any or all of these messages here as we join the writer of Ecclesiastes and consider these things ourselves.  What gives us ultimate lasting satisfaction?

Listen in and let's see what we discover!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Men's Ministry

The Stream's men's ministry has our second men's breakfast of the summer a week from today.  We met last month and had a great time as we always do.  We enjoyed some great food and had fun catching up about things going on in our lives. After this Alan Wigdahl led us in discussing the topic of prayer and we spent some time meeting with God in prayer and praying for one another.

Related to men's ministry, I recently started reading an excellent book, not about men's ministry, but more about being a man titled Manhood Restored (click the link if your interested in purchasing it).  It's an excellent book that I highly recommend men in our church read.  Apparently, others think so too, as this book was just promoted yesterday by our friends at The Gospel Coalition who posted this review of the book.

Hope to see you in church soon, and to see all the men at next weekend's men's breakfast at Alan's place!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

True Greatness

Matthew 20:26 It shall not be so among you.  But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (ESV)

In Matthew 20:17-19 Jesus announces his coming crucifixion and death to his disciples (for the third time!).  What follows immediately after this in Matthew 20:20-21 is a seemingly selfish and insensitive request from the mother of James and John, "Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom."  We could say that what mom wanted was greatness for her two sons - and greatness as she perceived it seemed to be based upon status, recognition, position, and power.

What follows next is Jesus defining for us what true greatness truly is all about - serving!!! It is serving and being a servant. Greatness isn't your accomplishments, your position, your title, your recognition, it is serving!  

What I'm often impressed with as I look around our church at The Stream, especially on Sunday morning's before, during, and after our worship service, is the quality of the people in our congregation who take this truth seriously. I can say so, because they show it, by sincerely serving.

People are taking initiative, without even being asked, to help setup, breakdown, and cleanup.  Others on our ministry teams such as Kids' Creek (children's ministry at The Stream) continually serve families in our church by helping transform the lives of the next generation.  Others are serving behind the scenes praying for people and for our services.  Countless others are greeting guests, encouraging others, and building loving relationships.

Their service is invaluable, and their service is not going unrecognized, especially by God!  Jesus makes it clear that serving is true greatness, because Jesus himself didn't come to be served, but to serve, ultimately serving by giving his life at the cross for our salvation!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Breakfast & Blessings

On Saturday May 11th, the women’s ministry (S.W.i.M.) held their inaugural event: a garden-style breakfast in the backyard of the Salyer home.  

The women were blessed with beautiful spring weather, delicious food in abundance and heavenly worship music provided by Marji Hartman and Lauren Scott.  

Carol Stewart gave a thorough teaching on Hebrews chapter 10, with particular emphasis on verses 24 and 25.  

Linda Salyer and Julie Smith spoke about the Spirit-led beginnings of the newly re-structured women’s ministry as well as the purpose and vision that are foundational to the ministry.  

There were prizes earned and centerpieces won as conversation mingled with the songbirds of spring.  The event was well attended with an age range of 11 – 88!

Friday, January 11, 2013

This Sunday at The Stream we are beginning a new series of messages in the book of Romans.  I'm incredibly excited to start this series, since Romans is such a significant book in the Bible.

The influence this book has had throughout history is profound.  Martin Luther, for example, was directly influenced by it, so much so that it was instrumental to his conversion and his writings about the doctrine of justification by faith alone. At the very beginning of his preface to his commentary in Romans, Luther writes this:

"This letter is truly the most important piece in the New Testament. It is purest Gospel. It is well worth a Christian's while not only to memorize it word for word but also to occupy himself with it daily, as though it were the daily bread of the soul. It is impossible to read or to meditate on this letter too much or too well. The more one deals with it, the more precious it becomes and the better it tastes. Therefore I want to carry out my service and, with this preface, provide an introduction to the letter, insofar as God gives me the ability, so that every one can gain the fullest possible understanding of it. Up to now it has been darkened by glosses [explanatory notes and comments which accompany a text] and by many a useless comment, but it is in itself a bright light, almost bright enough to illumine the entire Scripture." (1)

So, this Sunday we'll start a study in this book at The Stream!  We hope you can come join us to listen in, learn, and hopefully be transformed by the power of God's Spirit, love, grace, and truth!